Wednesday, October 26, 2016

PrairieCare continues to squeeze kids for $$

Typical Prairie Care stuff. Whining that they are the victim for charging crazy high prices and using children as human shields.

Friday, December 12, 2014

In other news

prairie care was born out of St John's in Fargo.. Let's see what's going on there...

From the Fargo Forum:

"Jennifer Waagen filed the lawsuit Tuesday in Cass County District Court against Prairie St. John’s Psychiatric Hospital.
Scott Waagen used a bed sheet fastened over the top of the bathroom door to try to hang himself. He was found by a psychiatric technician April 26 and died a week later at Sanford Medical Center.
He left behind his wife and three young daughters, all under 8 years old.
Jennifer Waagen’s lawsuit states her husband was admitted to Prairie St. John’s about 13 hours earlier for continuous surveillance after being diagnosed with a brief psychotic disorder.
The lawsuit accuses Prairie St. John’s of being negligent in failing to document and complete accurate assessments of Scott Waagen, and for failing to watch him and prevent his death by hanging.
Lawyers for Prairie St. John’s filed a response to the lawsuit stating no one at the facility was negligent in caring for Waagen, and that his suicide attempt was not reasonably foreseeable.
Instead, as a suicide victim, Waagen’s death was his own fault, the answer states."

So, according to the article.. the widow says she checked her husband in for continuous surveillance, and hours later he hung himself.. A week later he died.

She is asking for a pittance of 50k.. They should feel thankful she's asking so little.
But Prairie St John's is actually fighting this woman who IMO should be asking for way, way more, claiming they couldn't foresee it and weren't negligent. And they blame it on HIM!!!!! I mean seriously, he was under their care for mental issues! What horrible people to even say that. Then again, as we know.. They suck. SMH

Stay classy Prairie St John's... The dump by the Red River which always reminded me of some horror story. Once a dump always a dump, I guess. As for a horror story, maybe my childhood impression of that place wasn't too far off. My condolences to the widow. :( Our story could have ended so much worse when they increased what is a known bad combo for my child. They didn't take responsibility for that, but it makes me ill they would actually say that to a grieving widow. Unreal.

They have fancier buildings now around the cities as grew away from their birthplace-- but growing up in Fargo.. Well, I wish I would have known where they were from before setting foot in that place.

Suicide, prairie St. John's, Fargo, prairie care, mental health, lawsuit

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

For profit Prairie Care

I'm sorry for not updating in a while. I've gone down hard with MS--
But parents still need to know this facility tested my son where a doctor in their own records said to talk to the mother about concerns about medication interactions as the potential cause of some of the problems.

Not only did they not talk to me about what turned out to be dangerous interactions, they increased it, and my son became worse. After removing him from their day treatment program early I took him to a doctor who caught the interaction immediately and saved my son from further distress, but may have also saved his life. The interaction one of their doctors warned them of, but the other increased had the potential to cause only worse, erratic behaviors, but it had the potential to cause seratonin syndrome, a potentially fatal outcome.

They Minnesota state ombudsman caught them duplicating records in my sons charts and other severe documentation concerns.

They were caught in a lie by telling the Attorney General they had told me some billing information early on, and I produced a voice mail from Prairie Care contradicting that statement.

Their billing was wildly different from what I was told so I filed a complaint with the better business bureau, Prairie Care, not the oasis it claims to be cared for the adult at the BBB by not responding.

Overall, all this time and life changes later-- remember ... prairie care is for profit.

They profit from your children. They profit from filling spaces. They profit from the care they provide. They profit from using new doctors.

Reviews, recruitment, mental health, autism, day treatment, day program, outpatient, inpatient, hospital, clinic, Edina prairie care, maple grove prairie care, brooklyn park prairie care, prairie care reviews, prairie care recruitment, prairie children, prairi care, bad prairie care, experience at prairie care, trouble with prairie care, medication interactions, prairie care directions, prairie care sucks, prairie care adult care

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Thanks readers

Thanks to all the readers.
And even more,
Thanks to the brave when they are ready to tell their story.
I can tell by my stats I have readers,
But I  so happy to hear from one or more of you to help spread the word.
Between the proof of upping a severe medication interaction that behind the scenes was
Already being questioned, severe documentation problems in charting found by the state ombudsman, safety concerns,stonewalling the better business bureau and voice mails from them contradicting their own statements, and putting a
Child with known sensory issues into am envioent with screaming children--
So I think I have a good lawsuit? Yes I do.
I think they do to because they lawyered up before I even knew
What was going on.

However, as much damage as I feel they did 1- I chose to use our story in hopes that parents,
As desperate as we were.. Will seek a second opinion from a non profit doctor.

That is an opinion and a hope.
But I believe with all my heart, doctors in it to make money -- may not be putting the child first.

I feel redundant on our story to keep the blog alive.
So, I love your comments when they come in.

I apologize for some of the lags and typos.
I was diagnosed with MS recently. I'm a little slower and more clumsy..
But I still feel passionate they did
Bad things to my
Son and ripped us off like a street shell game in the

I'm so happy to hear from parents and patients -- and so sorry about your struggles.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The big sell- free assessment

The "free" assessment is probably where  most of the problems with prairie care really began. Not just the wrong info on pricing--
But the impression of what was happening. I was fairly clear my son had sensory issues. I was sold a fairy tale.
I kick myself daily.. (And wish I could update this blog more because I feel it is THAT important to warn parents about this for profit group. For profit means kids needed. Don't forget they are for profit. Prairie Care administrators will be happy to know I have been slowed by a serious diagnosis of my own.. I have seen some reviews from other parents and hope they will stand up and help.-- either way we are still strong in search rankings and plan to keep it that way).)

Anyway, my son, adverse to loudness and chaos, as discussed at the assessment - one day tells me a story of a girl who started screaming and was restrained by staff. Oh boy.

I hope it wasn't the same girl with the radiator pressed against her face I saw while there.

This is why I was sooooo unhappy when it became obvious my son's backpack wasn't checked - and why I was so concerned about the large stick pin he had found.

A nice boy in a pretty scary environment.
On a severely interaction they increased, with a file with days missing and duplicated as found by the Minnesota Ombudsman -- and with no answers for their weird billing practices they got dropped a letter from the BBB.

Classy place.

Again, we found all the help we needed with a great private practice doc and a 35 dollar co-pay.
He got him off that interaction, and our lives changed for the better.

What does Prairie Care do? $$$$$$

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Could Prairie Care put your child at risk?

The quickly expanding mental health (I use that loosely) care ever expanding profit monster Prairie Care needs to fill beds to make money.

Can for profit mental health hospitals kill?

Here is a link to more info on greed leading to higher costs and higher mortality rates.

Children's health, mental care, safety, health assessments CAN be done in the Twin Cities by qualified professionals for the price of a co-pay.
Looking for the best isn't always the biggest.

Always remember Prairie Care is there to make money.

We learned that. Our child never needed them at all. A professional caught his incorrectly prescribed drug interaction right away. Unfortunately, through their "free" (sales tactic) assessment, our son stayed on that interaction too long, was placed with children where he didn't belong, became worse on outbursts as confirmed to us by his teachers, and that dangerous interaction was INCREASED and we were never in the loop. Their bills were far more than what they told us.. far, far more..
And the Ombudsman found serious problems with their documentation and/or lack there of..
And the "doctor" who is the head of this place that is ON RECORD with the state of royally screwing up, dodged and stonewalled and cashed our contested checks with no remorse.

They could have killed my son. I firmly believe that. Major medical interactions they increased can lead to seratonin syndrome. They can keep our pennies and grub all they want-- what they can never repair is the disgraceful behavior. They belong on House of Cards. Not around children.

They owe my son an apology and this blog will continue to warn parents until they do what we asked in the first place, Commit to better care for children.

They can't.

Covering your ass is not as important as hurting children and families.

Prairie care address, prairie care mental health care, prairie care assessments, prairie care jobs,
For profit mental health care, for profit Minot investors, for profit Fargo, for profit prairie care Steve, mental health care dangers, mental health safety, children seratonin syndrome, prairie care dangers, prairie care, thieves, malpractice, children need help, Minnesota mental health, maple grove, prairie care Edina, prairie care chaska, prairie care Brooklyn park, prairie care review, prairie care better business bureau dropped grade, prairie care Minnesota mental health ombudsman. Serious documentation problems, safety problems, prairie care reviews, prairie care problems, prairie care, insurance, mental health kids,

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Prairiecare trying to infest Brooklyn Park

Be very concerned when for profit doctors, expanding at an alarmingly fast rate set their sites on your children.
These people are trying to make a profit. To do that beds must be filled.

As a parent who feels my son was on a dangerous interaction they not only missed but
Increased without regard or informing us as parents. One doctor in a test apparently wrote a note this should be checked but never was..
Our bill was way more than what they told us.
They admitted to the state ombudsman they were already working on security issues after red flags kept popping up.
Their charts were incomplete and duplicated and a severe problem according to the MN ombudsman.

They ignored our lawful requests for itemized bills and ignored the Better Business Bureau and cashed our contested check while the for profit head doctor ignored all our medical concerns and contesting of the bill.

I have spent more time than the bill, so their claim to the AG (some claims they
Made were directly refuted by their own voices since I kept all their voice
mails,) this is about money doesn't hold water. It may be about money-- but not mine.

This is about children's health and safety being put before money grubbing greed.

Do you honestly think they would let these agencies come out with negative info against them and all bolstering us-- and let a parent get so frustrated by their lack of concern of drug interactions, over treatment, and safety to be blasted all over the internet just a few hundred?

I don't. My theory is they know they screwed up
Royally, know I have an intense case against them,  and hope I go away because I refused to come to a meeting at their office when early on they lawyered up. It didn't make sense since I said if we can figure this out, barring any unforeseen alarming discovery I would be done with them..

Took me almost a year to find out my son was on a major interaction they increased.

I guess that was unforeseen and alarming.

Good luck to my friends in Brooklyn. Park//

Just remember -- they are FOR PROFIT.

Remember - this blog is worth more to help parents not go through our horror story,
We get nothing in exchange. As a former reporter, right to know is more important than padding  lawyer pockets and the truth never seeing the light of day in some stupid out of court settlement that will never help a family, or fix what they did to our child and family.

Brooklyn park, prairiecare, prairie care, mental health, reviews,
Edina, maple grove, in patient, out patient, adolescent, funded by REIT in Minot , employment, jobs, assessments, assessment, autism,
 Depression, mental health ombudsman, plans Brooklyn park, chaska, Edina, maple grove