Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Thanks readers

Thanks to all the readers.
And even more,
Thanks to the brave when they are ready to tell their story.
I can tell by my stats I have readers,
But I  so happy to hear from one or more of you to help spread the word.
Between the proof of upping a severe medication interaction that behind the scenes was
Already being questioned, severe documentation problems in charting found by the state ombudsman, safety concerns,stonewalling the better business bureau and voice mails from them contradicting their own statements, and putting a
Child with known sensory issues into am envioent with screaming children--
So I think I have a good lawsuit? Yes I do.
I think they do to because they lawyered up before I even knew
What was going on.

However, as much damage as I feel they did 1- I chose to use our story in hopes that parents,
As desperate as we were.. Will seek a second opinion from a non profit doctor.

That is an opinion and a hope.
But I believe with all my heart, doctors in it to make money -- may not be putting the child first.

I feel redundant on our story to keep the blog alive.
So, I love your comments when they come in.

I apologize for some of the lags and typos.
I was diagnosed with MS recently. I'm a little slower and more clumsy..
But I still feel passionate they did
Bad things to my
Son and ripped us off like a street shell game in the

I'm so happy to hear from parents and patients -- and so sorry about your struggles.