Monday, October 7, 2013

Living it

As we have lived it, I have nothing but regrets for following a doctor's recommendation and bringing my kiddo to Prairie Care.

My regrets have only grown the more I deal with them. Painfully so.

But hopefully others will be helped by our experience. I have the opinion of them that  money in the pocket, is a bigger concern than due diligence. Bigger than care.

It's my opinion, but it is why we have dealt with them not only on care, but billing.

When you don't take responsibility, you never learn.

Are we the first parents to believe companies put money first?

Whether it's our gas tank, or our children, I believe the greed is the driver of some of these folk's intentions.

But with our children, we can never fix those precious moments in time.

As a parent of a high functioning autistic son, who was desperate for help..I know now Prairie Care was not for him. As I have gone to agencies and dealt with the blowback, insults, and sadly learned just how bad it really was..I wish so much we could rewind time. This despite being stronger as each agency did what they could.

Instead, we move forward.

And maybe another kiddo will be spared our experience.

1 comment:

  1. In their letter to the AG, they said they found no evidence of substandard care.

    In other words, he was assessed and waited for many days to be admitted to their program, and no one thought to break a potentially dangerous medical interaction--but that's not substandard.
    He was in the program for days and rather than trying him without the medication (which was tried right away by his new doc and he dramatically improved,) they instead increased a potentially dangerous combo. That is not substandard.

    They discharged him with instructions to continue the combo that had potentially fatal effects....and all of that they do not believe is substandard.

    They don't believe that's substandard?

    What standards do they have? Mine are higher.


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Libelous comments or potentially libelous or untrue comments will not be posted. They are not welcome. We only want to have an opinion be heard.

Again, this is an opinion site only and we ask that it stays family friendly and useful.

Prairie Care is welcome to have their attorney send an opinion commentary, questions, or concerns to be considered for posting, and we will diligently treat it the same way they treated ours.